Thursday, September 21, 2006

Of airplanes and dull conversation

Last night I closed my windows overnight for the first time this fall. This morning, I notice airplanes sound more noticeable than usual. I'm not particularly close to an airport or anything, but I'm quite distinctly hearing each airplane, which never happened with the windows open. I guess it's because the closed windows block out the sounds of weather and construction and sirens* and cars and people.

Also, I heard a really good quote the other day. I don't know if I've got it exactly, but here's the gist: "Talking about the nutritional value of food while eating is like talking about the anatomical composition of lips while kissing."

I tried googling it, but all I got was advice on how to kiss. Something I wish I'd known back when I was unkissed and terribly ashamed of it: when you do find yourself kissing, it will be with someone you feel safe with and can trust. You know how you can be stupid and goofy around your very best friends and it's okay? The same goes for your kissing partner. It's hard to think of it this way when you haven't been kissed yet - the idea of someone who might kiss you is very Other - but once you get close enough to someone to actually kiss them, you'll be comfortable with them. And they won't be expecting any great astounding lover with The Best Technique Ever, they'll be kissing you because you're you. If you mess up, you'll just catch each other's eye, share a smile and a giggle, then lean back in to try again, no hard feelings.

*television always portrays neighbourhoods with lots of sirens as high-crime neighbourhoods and undesireable places to live. My neighbourhood has a lot of sirens because the police and fire stations are just a block or two away, which actually makes it feel safer.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fun with semantics

Two sentences whose denotations are almost exactly the same, but whose connotations sound almost exactly opposite:

1. It's not like I have anything better to do


2. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing

Today's roundup

1. Three or four years ago, when the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" first entered common parlance, my first reaction was "But the US has weapons of mass destruction!" But no one of influence was listening to what I thought, so nothing came of it. Today, Keith Knight follows that train of thought through to the logical conclusion.

2. The City of Toronto bought a dump near London, Ontario, and London politicians aren't happy. The same thing happened with Michigan - there was a lot of rhetoric from local politicans to the effect that Toronto was forcing its trash on them. But that isn't what's really happening. Toronto bought the dump with permission from whoever owned it before. It's a legitimate, completely legal business transaction conducted with all the necessary permission - not bullying or strongarming. It seems to me that the problem is that people can privately own dumps and sell them to whomever they want without authorization from local authorities.

3. Peel police allegedly assaulted some guys who took a video of police having a drinking party behind a strip mall. But why are police officers drinking behind a strip mall? They're grown adults with professional salaries - surely they can go to a bar or a private home to do their drinking! Why would behind a strip mall be desirable or preferable?

4. A Canadian Medical Association Report "recommends Canadians assume more responsibility for their own health care." No further detail is given and, as of the time of this posting, I can't find any greater detail (or the report itself) online. I would really like to know what they mean by this! I try very hard to take responsibility for my own health care but I'm thwarted at every turn! I think I have strep throat and I waited three days to make sure? The doctor can't see me to give me antibiotics for another four days! I followed medical news to find what Gardasil would be approved in Canada and was proactive in seeking it out? Can't have it because the receptionist has never heard of it! I'm female and childfree? Can't have a tubal because I'm under 35 and don't have kids! (Because I'm really good at being childfree, doy!) So how do they want me to take more responsibility when I can't even take the responsibility that I want to take???

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Worst. Child. Ever.

And I thought the kids that trapped me in the elevator were bad. This kid (and the associated parenting) is much, much worse.

Now I'm far more forgiving with children than most people. I think they should be allowed to eat whatever they want instead of whatever food their parents arbitrarily choose. I have no problem with creating an environment that boosts children's self-esteem. I don't mind if they call me by my first name. I don't mind if they get a bit noisy. And if you say anything that even hints at the thought that spanking is appropriate, you are going to get an earful from me.

But holy shit people, if your kid walks up to some quadriplegic lady and MOVES HER ARM, thus leaving her helpless, you drop everything and explain to the kid sternly WHY THAT IS A VERY BAD THING TO DO! This isn't minor, this isn't something to laugh off like when a child asks an unknowningly inappropriate question, this is your child not only violating someone's personal space, but leaving them utterly helpless! The kid should be wide-eyed and stammering for an apology!

From the news

A Globe and Mail commentator insists that Kimveer Gill is not a victim.

This happens whenever there's a big atrocious crime - someone cuts off any attempt to figure out why the perp did what he did by saying that the perp isn't a victim, the victim is.

The problem is that this attitude hinders investigation and discourse about what might lead someone to commit a crime like this. And we need to understand where this comes from - we can't just stop at "He's bad" or "He's crazy." We need to be able to look at the situation and say "Yeah, I can see why he did that" so we can take measures to prevent similar crimes in the future.

Being able to see why a perp did something doesn't mean you think it's good or justified. Can you see why someone might rob a bank? Sure - there's lots of money in there, and it belongs to a big faceless corporation. You can understand the reasoning even if you're not a bank robber yourself. Can you see why someone might strike someone else out of anger? No one who has ever been a child can honestly say they can't. But that doesn't mean you think it's acceptable to go around hitting people. And we need to understand these things. We couldn't have appropriate security in banks if we couldn't understand what would lead someone to rob a bank. We couldn't defuse tense situations if we couldn't understand what might lead someone to hit someone else.

And similarly, we need to understand what would lead someone to shoot up a school. Is it a certain kind of bullying experienced in school? Once we understand that, we can focus on training teachers to eliminate the conditions that make schools conducive to bullying. Is it a certain kind of mis-parenting? Once we understand that, we can disseminate the fact that that isn't appropriate parenting and provide parents with alternatives. But if we just write him off as a Bad Guy and use that as an excuse not to look into it in greater depth, we're doing ourselves all a disservice.

Meanwhile, one would-be head of the Toronto police union wants to give police the right to sue people who make false accusations against them.

Here's what that says to me: suppose something happens in my building and a police officer has to come to my apartment, then he decides to take advantage of the fact that we're alone in my apartment to rape me. Or suppose I'm falsely arrested for something, and the police don't much like my protestations of innocence so they decide to beat me. (There have been beatings and sexual assault cases involving the Toronto police in the past few years, and nothing has been done to give me reason to believe that it won't happen again.) What I'm hearing from this article is that if I so much as utter a word about it, if my dentist asks how all my teeth got knocked out, or my optician asks how my glasses broke, or my doctor asks why I'm suddenly requesting STD testing when I've been monogamous for my entire adult life, and I say that a police officer attacked me, the police will then sue me, take everything I have and leave me without a safety net, and garnishee my future wages so I'll have to live somewhere distant and infested in a high-crime area that will have cops coming to my building even more often and the whole thing starts over again. That's what this article says to me.

Now I can see how false accusations may be of concern to a police officer - there are certainly some good nefarious reasons why a perp might want to falsely accuse a cop - but the Toronto Police don't have enough public trust to do this. They've had a lot of scandals lately, so they're in no position to be demanding protection from us when we still feel like we need to be protected from them. I couldn't even reassure you with absolute certainty that they won't come and attack me just for blogging this.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The problems of website design in bilingual cultures

As a translator, I spend a lot of my time looking at bilingual websites, as they make for excellent parallel texts. This being Canada, we have plenty of bilingual websites, as well as bilingual packaging on all our products, so I have grown accustomed to the graphic affordances of bilingual texts.

But this can be a problem when website designers don't consider how the omnipresence of bilingual material might affect how users scan the page.

I was just looking at this page. I read about this gizmo in the paper, and wanted to see how much it costs. So I went to the page I have linked, scanned it quickly, but didn't see a price. I could see a link for the money-back guarantee and a link to the Time article, but I couldn't see any other links that might help me find the price. I clicked around the title and the graphics in vain, but there were no other links. Then, after far too long a time, I noticed the "Buy your sleeptracker today!" link on the bottom-right.

Why didn't I notice this right away? Because the layout of this page suggested that it might be bilingual. There are two relatively equal-sized columns of text separated by a wide space, and two relatively equal-sized links. This is consistent with the standard design of bilingual front pages, like this. My eye automatically went to the left-hand column, saw that it was English, read it, and saw the warranty link below. I then subconsciously assumed that the right-hand column said the same thing in French, and the link was the equivalent in French.

If the text had been all in one block instead of in columns, I would have been able to navigate the page easily. However, the two columns and two links, while possibly appropriate in a print ad, gave me the impression that it was a bilingual page so I should ignore the right-hand column.

Web designers: keep this in mind! Translation and tech writing students: you could get a text analysis exercise out of this!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Anyone out there have Zonealarm and Sympatico?

I find I'm getting way, way, way fewer Zonealarm alerts than usual. When I first set up this computer a year ago, I got so many alerts that I had to disable the little box that tells you you have an alert; most of these alerts were inbound. I happened to look at my alert log just recently, and found that I had way fewer alerts than I expected. It says it has blocked 168 intrusion attempts since I upgraded on Aug. 1. That's less than 5 a day! Since my last reboot, most the alerts have come from svchost.exe attempting to access DNS servers, which is odd because a) I didn't know that was blocked (I was under the impression svchost was important), and b) I'm still connecting just fine. I've only had two incoming alerts, both from a router URL. This is very odd and bizarre. Even when I was on resnet, behind a firewall, I still got the occasional stray alert. It makes me worry that my firewall isn't blocking what it should, but it's still passing various online firewall tests with flying colours.

Sympatico users: are you getting fewer Zonealarm alerts than usual? Is this something I should be worried about?

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Thought experiment

There are people who think that making birth control available, will make people more likely to have sex. I think I have come up with a thought experiment (to borrow a term from Scott Adams) to prove why this is not true. Follow along and see if it works (note: for simplicity's sake, we are only considering birth control here, not STD protection):

The year is 2006. Consider a sexually active opposite-sex couple who does not want to get pregnant right now, so the woman goes on the pill. This makes perfect sense. The pill is one of the most effective forms of temporary birth control, it prevents the ovaries from releasing ova so there are no eggs floating around to get fertilized, so society in general will consider this a reasonable and responsible course of action. If they get pregnant, people will be surprised.

Suppose the woman isn't on the pill, and they use some kind of barrier method. That's generally not considered as responsible. The general consensus is "Yeah, I know, sometimes hormonal methods wreak havoc on some women's bodies, but really it's better to be on the pill if at all possible." If there's no good reason why the woman can't be on the pill, the general consensus is "WTF are they doing? Condoms break, you know, and the rhythm method is not at all reliable!" If they get pregnant, there will be an unspoken undertone of "Well, what did you expect?"

But let's go back in time a bit. Now the year is 1936. The pill has not been invented yet. So an opposite-sex couple who does not want to have children (it being the Great Depression and all) goes to a controversial newly-opened family-planning clinic, where they are issued the latest in birth control technology: condoms and spermicide. They use these, perhaps in combination with the rhythm method. Again, moral detractors aside, this is generally considered responsible. They do not want to have children, they can't afford to have children, so they use the very latest technology available to keep themselves from getting pregnant. They aren't on the pill, but they're still considered perfectly responsible. Why? Because the pill hasn't been invented yet. Maybe an experimental version is in a lab somewhere, but practically speaking there's no possible way for them to get their hands on it, so they are still being as responsible as possible despite the fact that they're not using it.

Now let's go forward in time. The year is 2036. The male pill has been invented, and is mainstream and widely available. So now both members of our couple are on the pill. She's on the female pill, which prevents the ovaries from releasing ova, and he's on the male pill, which prevents sperm production. This is generally considered the responsible course of action for when you don't want to have children.

Now, still in 2036, suppose the man is not on the pill for whatever reason, but the woman is. The general consensus would be something like "Yeah, I know the pill wreaks havoc on some men's bodies, but it's really better for both people to use a hormonal method if at all possible." If there's no good reason for the man to not take the pill, the general consensus will be "WTF are they doing? They'll get sperm everywhere!" And if they get pregnant with only the woman on the pill, there will be a general undertone of "Well, what did you expect?"

Our 2036 couple is generally considered irresponsible for not using the male pill, but our 2006 couple is not because the male pill is not available in 2006. Our 2006 couple is generally considered irresponsible for not using the female pill, but our 1936 couple is not because the female pill is not available in 1936.

The 1936 couple is not considered irresponsible for not holding out until they can get a female pill, and the 2006 couple is not considered irresponsible for not holding out until they can get a male pill. Overall, it is considered responsible to use the very most effective birth control available, regardless of what it is. Overall, it is considered unreasonable to expect a couple to avoid sexual contact until a better form of birth control becomes available.

You with me so far?

Okay, now let's go to a dystopia where the anti-contraception lobby has won. There are no hormonal, chemical, or barrier methods of birth control available through doctors or pharamcists. Now we have an opposite-sex couple who does not want to get pregnant. So what do they do? They go to their doctor and/or pharmacist and ask about their options, and perhaps they are informed about the rhythm and withdrawl methods. Wanting to be as responsible as possible, they use the rhythm and withdrawl methods. Because they are using the best methods available, they do not feel like they are taking any unnecessary risks, any more than we today feel that we are taking unnecessary risks by not using a male pill. They won't feel any particular need to avoid sex, any more than we feel it necessary to avoid sex because the female pill is only like 99.9% effective and the male pill is not available. However, they will still have a higher unwanted pregnancy rate than we do, just as the unwanted pregnancy rate was higher in 1936 than in 2006, and just as it will doubtless drop once the male pill becomes available. It's just like people didn't feel unsafe for not having seatbelts before seatbelts were common, or for not having cellphones before cellphones were widely available.

People feel like their behaviour is unrisky when they are using the best precautions possible. Eliminating precautions from the realm of possibility is just going to lower people's risk acceptance threshold.

Friday, September 15, 2006

On media coverage of the shootings

First, I need to correct a few comments by Rosie DiManno, then I have some thoughts of my own.

1. "...18-year-old Anastasia De Sousa, a lovely trilingual co-ed who was a treasure to her family..." The word co-ed is not appropriate here. It's almost as bad as using "schoolgirl" for Paul Bernardo's victims. Co-ed is never used as a noun in the 21st century outside of porn ads, so it is not an appropriate word for memorializing the deceased. Note to Rosie Dimanno: next time you try to speak positively of the deceased, think about whether the deceased would actually want to be referred to by the particular word you choose. Poor word choices like this don't make me think better of the deceased, they draw me out of the mood you're trying to create and make me pull out my metaphorical blue pencil and say "WTF did she use that word for?"

2. "He may, as neighbours in Laval told reporters, have become increasingly introverted in recent months, disappearing further into his self-imposed alienation." Introversion is not a problem, not a pathology. It is simply a function of the path by which electrical pulses travel through one's brain and the neurotransmitters that they use. It isn't something that can change or develop unless the person experiences major brain trauma of some sort. I think you mean reclusive. Yes, introverts are often reclusive, but the two words are not interchangeable. Pregnant people are often hungry, but you don't use the word pregnant to mean hungry.

3. "Apparently, a failure with girls/women; hadn't had a date in a month" In what world is a month a long time not to have a date? He wasn't in a relationship at the time, so all that means is that in the past month he hadn't met anyone new with whom there was mutual interest in going out and doing something, and arranged to go out and do something. I'm sure that statement applies to most people in the world.


Now my own thoughts:

Overall, I'm not happy with the way this story is being covered. I think they're putting way too much emphasis on the fact that the killer was dark and reclusive and didn't have his shit together, while the victim was blonde and attractive and popular and had a bright future. I'm worried that this might have negative fallout for youth who aren't about to shoot anyone up, but just happen to be dark, shy, unpopular, and don't have their shit together. Not everyone is beautiful and makes friends easily, not everyone can smoothly navigate the waters of adolescent life, and it's no sin to not be able to do these things. However, I'm worried that in light of this black & white coverage, outcasts (or even just introverts who are drained after six hours in a room with 30 other people and need time alone to decompress) are going to end up taking even more shit at the hands of the cool kids, or at the hands of adults who brightly chirp "But these are the best years of your life! Join a club! Play a sport! Volunteer!" as though it's that simple.

It also makes me wonder what would happen if I were the victim of some crime that received heavy media coverage. Overall, I'm more like Kimveer than like Anastasia. Apart from the fact that she was the victim, I cannot identify with Anastasia at all. Apart from the fact that he liked guns and shooting people, I can identify completely with Kimveer. My life does differ from Kimveer's in a few ways, and most people would consider these differences to be improvements, but all of these differences exist only because of a few strokes of good luck, not because of any virtue on my part. So what would happen if I were the victim? Would I receive less media coverage because I'm not cute and perky? Would I receive less sympathetic media coverage because I'm quiet and geeky? Would they make value judgements about me based on the fact that I sometimes blog about banal things, sometimes express frustration, and sometimes make declarative statements giving my opinion on current events? Or would they take all the elements that they are implying are a sign of Kimveer's madness and somehow reword them and represent them as good thing because I'm the victim?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Question's arising from today's paper

In ascending order of importance:

1. Does the first panel here reflect reality? I cannot imagine why the bank would care whether she lives in her house or not.

One of Canada's latest lottery jackpot winners tiptoed into an abandoned Taliban stronghold yesterday to blow up a booby trap insurgents left behind.

Sgt. Neil Coates may be $625,000 richer thanks to a Super 7 lottery win, but he can't buy his way out of the army or the duty he feels to fallen friends and the comrades who remain.

"My first reaction was, `Get the hell out of here,'" Coates, 44, told The Canadian Press at the front lines of the NATO operation to clear insurgents from this Taliban stronghold.

"But I talked to my wife about it, and this is what I came here to do, I trained a whole year for this. I owe it to these guys to see it through."

Is that an option? Can you just quit? I was always under the impression that the military owns you for a certain period of time. If you can just quit, why don't more people just quit? (I realize not everyone would just quit at the first sign of war, but you'd think enough would that it would be mentioned in passing in the media either that a lot of soldiers are quitting, or that a surprisingly low number of soldiers are quitting.)

3. The guy behind the Dawson College shootings was 25 years old. Dawson College is a CEGEP, which means really more of senior high school - students are typically 16-19 years old. So why did he pick a CEGEP? I see several options, most of which don't make sense.

a) He was bullied when he was a student there. But this doesn't make sense, because he would have been there years ago. The current students are not his tormentors. Besides, as a formerly-bullied 25-year-old myself, I can vouch for the fact that it wouldn't matter that much any more. It would still matter, yes, he would still be affected by it, but it would be far enough in the past that he wouldn't feel the need to take his gun and wreak vengance. In fact, he'd be more likely to just avoid the place all together.

b) He is currently a student there (perhaps he's a former drop-out?) and is bullied. But again, this doesn't entirely make sense because of his age. He's significantly older than the current students, so he'd more likely just disregard them as irrelevant. Again, speaking as a 25-year-old who was recently in a frosh undergrad class, and with full knowledge of how cruel bullies can be, I cannot imagine his classmates' mockery mattering that much to him. He would have his own life and his own social circle, and while I could see him being very frustrated at this nonsense he has to put up with, I can't see it being enough to drive him to taking out his gun. At 25, he'd be able to see this as a temporary detour and his classmates' behaviour as irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

c) He is not a student there, but he does have a grudge against some people who happen to be students there. Again, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, because he wouldn't know them from school, he'd know them in some other circle, and it would be more likely for him to decide to take them out in whatever context he usually sees them, rather than specifically going somewhere he doesn't belong.

d) He has nothing to do with the school. Which just doesn't make sense.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm sorry, Ma'am, we're going to have to confiscate this manuscript

Apparently J.K. Rowling was worried that they wouldn't let her take her manuscript onto an airplane during a heightened security alert. It isn't clear from the story whether this was just her own worries, or whether she actually had to convince airport security to let her take her manuscript with her. But if the latter is true, I wonder if she name-drops herself right away, or tries to get through anonymously first? I can see both pros and cons to saying "I'm J.K. Rowling and this is part of the manuscript for the next Harry Potter book."

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Picture a perfect dive.

The diver's body plunges into the water, then arches smoothly back up to the surface. The underwater portion of the dive is U-shaped.

I have dived many times in my life. Yes, I know I haven't been swimming in ages, but I have dived at every given opportunity.

I don't think I've ever consciously come back up to the surface. It just happened automatically. In fact, I don't think I know how to get back up to the surface. So far in my life it has always happened, but I can't explain or visualize or imagine how it's done. That's rather scary.

Why I won't take my bottles to the Beer Store

So they want to put a deposit on bottles, and have us return them to the Beer Store for a refund.

Not gonna happen.

Why? Because the Beer Store is significantly out of my way. I never go to the Beer Store (the LCBO meets all my beer needs) so I would have to make a special trip there - by bus - for the sole purpose of getting rid of my bottles. Now my exurban readers are sitting there going "So what?" To put this in perspective, I have had to take a bus (as opposed to a subway or streetcar) only three times in the 3.5 years I've lived in this neighbourhood. Why is the bus a problem? I can't read on the bus, so it's lost time. Why don't I do something else on the way? Because the only amenities near my closest Beer Store are duplicates of amenities I have here in my immediate neighbourhood, as well as in the neighbourhood where I work. So essentially they're asking me to take on a new errand that will be the most inconvenient of all my errands, and will probably take half an hour of my time round-trip, for the sole purpose of saving 40 cents per bottle. If I didn't have a Metropass, I'd be losing money on the transaction!

My sense of social responsibility is strong enough to make me put my bottles into the recycle dumpsters behind my building rather than down the garbage chute (which is more convenient). My sense of social responsibility would be enough to make me take my bottles back to the LCBO where I bought them, even though that's rather inconvenient too since I usually shop on my way home from work. If homeless people or people fundraising started collecting bottles so they could redeem them themselves, my sense of social responsibility would be enough to make me give the bottles to the right people or leave them somewhere where they could find them. But my sense of social responsibility is not enough to get me to spend half an hour on a bus just to get rid of a couple of bottles and get a few cents back. You want my bottles? Let me return them where I bought them. Get a machine to take them and give me a refund, and place it in the grocery store. Ask me to separate them from the other recycles, or sort them by colour. But going way out of my way by bus? Not gonna happen.

everything's fine

For those who were wondering, their plane landed as scheduled so everything appears to be in order.

For those who weren't wondering, move along, nothing to see here.

Monday, September 11, 2006

A poll I'd like to see

I'd like to see someone do a nice, broad-reaching, fully professional poll of a large sample of people. First, take full demographic information from each pollee. Then as them the following question:

When conducting unremarkable everyday business transactions, do you want to be treated a) like you're more important than all the other customers, or b) like you're just as important as all the other customers?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Where Were You When

For as far back as I can remember, grownups have been asking each other "Where were you when JFK was shot?" (Yes, even here in Canada) and then grousing that Kids Today just don't understand the momentous emotional significance of that event. Which is true - I simply cannot process an event that happened 17 years before my birth through emotional channels. So I always felt a wee bit miffed that nothing important enough had happened for me to say Where I Was When.

When Princess Diana was killed, I used that for a while. When it happened, I consciously made a point of remembering Where I Was so I could participate in the discourse with all the grownups when it came up. I was at my parents', making myself a cup of hot chocolate before bed (Yes, I know it was August, no I don't know why I wanted hot chocolate in August), and I wandered into the family room to watch a bit of TV while I drank it, and found my mother watching the breaking news on TV. I took that and locked it away. I wasn't nearly as emotionally affected by the event as many people, but I finally knew Where I Was When something happened.

Of course, I had no way of knowing that 9/11 would come along in a few short years and be the definitive Where Were You When. I was in my res room, which was part of a suite that I shared with H. and R., two education students. It had a semi-private bathroom, but it also had far more phobia triggers than were healthy. I had woken up at 9:30 (and was feeling very virtuous for having done so), when the DJ on JAZZ-FM mentioned in passing that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I pictureda stray Cessna and thought "Oh, this might be an interesting story, I'll have to watch for it in the news tomorrow." Since the DJ then went back to playing music (I still don't know if he didn't know the magnitude of the story, or if he had no way of running a news feed since it was a non-commercial music station), I filed it away in the back of my mind, had a shower, and proceeded to French class. French class went normally (I don't know whether no one knew or whether those who knew were making a deliberate attempt to behave normally). When class let out, I went to the cafeteria for some pizza, only to be faced with a bunch of TVs all lined up, Peter Mansbridge listing airline flight numbers. It was then, at about 2:30pm, that I grasped the full magnitude of the disaster, having been filled in in Spanglish by the Hispanic girl next to me who couldn't quite summon up all her English in the excitement.

But I don't think it's that literal Where Where You When that's really important, so let's look at it another way:

When Princess Diana was killed, I was 16 years old, about to go into Grade 12. I had probably seen mi cielito in the now-defunct online community we met in, but I doubt we'd actually talked to each other yet and I had no inkling that it might develop into a romance. I was still using text-only Freenet access to go online because it was the cheapest. Of the people whom I consider my friends today, I hadn't met most of them, and those I had met I had no idea that our friendship might last into adulthood rather than being a passing high school friendship of convenience. It hadn't yet occurred to me to study translation (I would be exposed to the idea in a few short weeks.) It had never crossed my mind that I might live in Toronto - I always figured that's what people with an inflated sense of glamour did and I had no idea that it might be practical. If you'd told me about the awesome neighbourhood I live in now, I would have been all "Young and Egg? What?" If you'd told me that I have a tiny high-rise apartment that's NOT infested, I would have been shocked that there was such thing. Shameful as it is for me to admit today, if you'd told me that the majority of men I deal with on a daily basis would be gay, I'd wonder where my future self had gone wrong. Basically, a description of my life today would have planted some intriguing ideas into my head, but I wasn't yet in a position to connect the dots from where I was then to where I am now. It was a completely different life. Where was I? In a completely different place, both literally and metaphorically.

On 9/11, I was 20 years old, just beginning 3rd year university. I was studying translation, living in Toronto, I had the same social circle I do today (with the exception of a few co-workers), I was familiar with my current neighbourhood, I had snapped out of the homophobia that I'd grown up in and was campaigning for the legalization of same-sex marriage, I had high-speed internet (for the first time). Even the minor trappings are similar: The t-shirt I wore to sleep last night might have been the same one I wore to sleep the night of Sept. 10, 2001. The underwear I'm wearing right now I bought shortly before 9/11. Same with the machine that made the coffee I'm sipping as I write this. Basically on 9/11 I could see how the next five years might make my life into what it is now. It was one of many possible outcomes, true, but I could easily see it working out like this. It was the same life. Where was I? In a very similar place. Not exactly the same place, but just a couple of (literal and metaphorical) blocks away. And people who are older than me may well be able to say that they were in exactly the same metaphorical, and maybe even literal, place as they are today.

I think this is why I'm not comfortable with 9/11 being the subject of TV and movies, or with people making money off of the story. It's still reality. We look back on Where We Were on 9/11, and we see our current selves a few years ago. It hasn't yet become history because most of us are in the same place, so it isn't quite appropriate to tell it as a fictionalized story or a historical documentary. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to hold off until such a time was we look back on Where We Were When and see our former selves.

"Don't let it rule your life"

Every time we make a decision, there are a number of factors that we take into account. There is always going to be one factor that is the strongest, just because something has to be the strongest.

Whenever I make a decision and I go in the direction that the strongest factor is pushing me, someone somewhere always tells me "You shouldn't let it rule your life," "it" being the strongest factor.

The more I think about it, the more that is a bizarre thing to say.

The Hearing Aid Sketch

An old Monty Python sketch I'd forgotten about until just now. (It starts at 1:10) It made me laugh hysterically the first couple of times, but it doesn't stand up to repeat viewings as well as some of their other material. But if you haven't see the Fliegender Zirkus episodes yet, it's worth a look.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Performance art idea, free for the taking

Get a public space that has some sort of sound/PA system. Plant an appropriate number of "agents" (if I may borrow Improv Everywhere terminology) evenly distributed around that space, and have them go about their business, while wearing a small, unobtrusive mike that's attached to the PA system. There should be enough agents that the majority of members of the public can see one agent, but not two. On an unseen cue, all the agents break into song. The song should be something that most people know and that can be reasonably sung a cappella and in harmony by a large group of people. A round of Row, Row, Row Your Boat would do the job, although I'd prefer something cooler. The agents' singing will be picked up by the mikes, mixed together, and played over the speakers for everyone to hear. However, they agents' body language should give them appearance that they're going about their daily business (as opposed to performing in a grand musical production) and that their singing is incidental, like how one might whistle to oneself in an unguarded moment.

The effect for the average member of the public is that they hear a cappella harmony singing over the speaker, and they see (initially) one person, singing mindlessly to themselves along with the music on the speaker as they go about their business.

The goal: see how many members of the public start singing along.