Monday, December 15, 2014

Blogger is imposing captchas on me against my will

Recently, captchas appeared on my comments pages.  I didn't put them there, my comment settings have Word Verification set to "No", but they're still there.  I even see them when logged in with my own account as blog author!

And to add insult to injury, my spam comment queue is still full, with multiple spam comments a day.  This means the spammers are getting past the captchas, but the captchas are still there inconveniencing real people who might want to comment!

Not impressed, Blogger!


Lorraine said...

This is on Fecebook, but marker "public" so you should be able to read it. It should serve to illustrate just how cryptic reCaptcha can be sometimes.

impudent strumpet said...

That's bizarre!

Good for you for recognizing it as a Greek letter though - I would have read it as an "n" in a different font!