Monday, June 20, 2011

Analogy for why I still don't feel safe a year after the G20

You know how in Vancouver there were some riots after the Stanley Cup?

Imagine if, after the riots finished and in a completely different part of town, the police started rounding up people who were wearing hockey jerseys and people in their general vicinity, even though none of them were engaged in rioting behaviour. The police beat some of these people, threaten some of them with sexual assault, and detain many of them for hours in conditions without proper toilets or sufficient drinking water.

Now picture the scene of the riot the next day. Some people are cleaning up, some people are taking pictures of the mess and of the people cleaning up, and some people are going about life normally. Now imagine if the police swooped in and kettled all those people who happened to be in that general area the next day and didn't let them leave for hours - no washrooms, no food or drink, threat of arrest, rapidly-worsening weather conditions.

Then imagine if, a year later, you still have no assurances that this won't happen again. Nothing has been said or done to give you the remotest hope that some day in the future you won't be detained, arrested, brutalized or tormented for being in public in a city where a riot recently happened. Or for some other equally valid reason.


M@ said...

Pfft. You never shoulda been there in the first place, then, commie.

impudent strumpet said...

That's like the guy who seemed to turn up in every comments thread in the world saying that everyone should have done like he did and spent the weekend at the cottage. Because, why yes, of course we all have second homes.

laura k said...

We all have second homes and no one had any justifiable reason for being in Toronto that weekend anyway, whether protesting or no.

I really hope That Guy was a paid operative. If he was for real, it's much worse.