Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cake AND death!

Poor, poor Adam Deely of Birmingham.

Not only does he die in a terribly embarrassing way, by choking on a cupcake, but Eddie Izzard fans everywhere are giggling despite themselves.


laura k said...

"It's something that we've all done. We've all seen how many marshmallows we can put in our mouth, or cakes or biscuits or whatever it is, and this one went horribly wrong."

We've all done this? No.

impudent strumpet said...

Maybe it's a guy thing? Once mi cielito left me a voicemail giving me the play by play of his attempt to see how many skittles he could fit in his mouth. (Answer: 9).

Anonymous said...

Are you sure? Nine Skittles? That doesn't sound like many. Or was it how many he could fit in his mouth and still leave an intelligible voicemail?

Oh yeah, but I haven't done this either.

laura k said...

Not that long ago, someone died from doing this with marshmallows. I'm pretty sure it was a woman... and I'm pretty sure it was in Canada...

...wait, here it is.

Let's figure she's the gender exception that proves the rule.

impudent strumpet said...

Anon: my first thought was to see if I have anything skittle-sized and see how many I can get in my mouth (but I don't have any). Maybe that's how these things start?

L-girl: I think I saw that when it first happened, but then I forgot about it, probably because no one has ever done a "marshmellows or death?" comedy sketch