Sunday, September 04, 2005

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel by Susanna Clarke

This book is not really compelling enough for its length. It clocks in at 782 pages, but it was quite easy to put down. I didn't mind reading it in situations where I normally read, like on the subway, at lunch, during commercial breaks, in waiting rooms, but I didn't really feel compelled to pick it up at other times. This isn't necessarily a problem, but when a book is almost 800 pages long, the reader should want to know what happens next.

The book is about magicians, and one thing that really bothered me was that the rules of magic weren't clearly definied. I'm used to reading magic in the Potterverse where the rules and limits of magic are quite clear, so it was a bit odd having no idea whatsoever what the magicians might do to resolve a particular problem.

Now that I think about it, it would be cool to see a Harry Potter/Strange & Norrell crossover. The two universes are mostly reconcilable - there's just the tricky use of Faerie in the Strange & Norrell universe. There's a challenge for a fanfic writer: reconcile Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell so that it fits into the Potterverse.

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