Sunday, May 22, 2005

Huge Star Wars plot hole! (spoiler-free)

This post mentions things that we know have to happen between Episode 2 and Episode 4, but spoiling details are not given. It also mentions things that should be, but are not, explained in Episode 3, and provides the EU explanation. If this is not spoiler-free enough for you, stop reading.

Episode 2 mentions a Jedi named Sifo-Dyas who ordered the creation of the clone army, but who Sifo-Dyas was and why he ordered the creation of a clone army are not explained in the movies. A bit of googling showed that this comes up in one of the EU books, and that Sifo-Dyas is nobody (the Mark Evans of the Star Wars universe). He's just a random Jedi who randomly ordered the creation of a clone army. The EU book may explain why he chose to do this, but it certainly doesn't come up in the movies. It really should have been in the movies, because after I saw Episode 2 the first time I went into fandom to find out theories about Sifo-Dyas, and I never spend time in Star Wars fandom!

We also know that the clones are on the Jedi side in Episode 2, and on the Sith side in Episode 4. In Episode 3 we see this switch happen, but, unless I missed it (I've only seen the movie once), we don't see why and how it happens. We don't learn which Sith or Sith ally is responsible for making the clones switch sides and how this happened. And if Sifo-Dyas is really going to be a nobody, Episode 3 really ought to have explained what when on behind the scenes.

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