Monday, June 28, 2004

I did it. I read the platforms, pored over seat projections, analyzed my riding, and went and voted for the party whose vision is closest to mine. I just hope everyone else did the same. I did consider a strategic vote, but every seat projection has my riding safe, so I decided to send a message and $1.75 instead.

Incidently, I did receive a reply from my Liberal candidate, but it came too late. She sent the email at half past midnight last night (bonus points for staying up so late to answer voter emails!) but I was already in bed by then. I didn't get a chance to look at my email before work this morning, and I voted on my way home from work. Delaying answering the email so you have time to give a good answer is totally cool, she's not getting docked any points for that, but it just arrived a couple of hours too late. Luckily, by this point, nothing she could have said would have changed my vote.

Now go vote if you haven't already!

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