Monday, August 04, 2003

I have a zit in the most annoying place. It's on my lower eyelid, right where the eyelid skin turns into normal face skin. It looks like the kind of wart that a witch would have, and because it's on such delicate skin I can't squeeze it or apply too much zit cream. Applying my sexy light-diffusing concealer helps, but when I'm wearing full makeup I apply this concealer all over my lower eyelids to hide my disgusting permanent dark circles, so the zit is no longer de-emphasized.

I have to buy stuff to drink. I don't have much to drink. But drinks are heavy and there's a humidex of like 35 out there.

And I ruined my khakis yesterday, and I wanted to go shopping for more today but I overslept. It's just as well though, this isn't a good week for trying on light-coloured pants.

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