Monday, May 19, 2003

An advantage to living on the 14th floor: I am currently watching six or seven fireworks displays simultaneously, while sitting on a relatively comfy chair, without having to swat a single mosquito, and being able to attend to nature's call whenever necessary.

(My digestive system wasn't like this before I started university - a good thing, since public school schedules and classroom rules do not seem to consider the possibility that a person may need to eliminate several times a day. Luckily this came about in uni, where I could slip out of the classroom whenever necessary, and then I walke dright into a job where no one will notice if I slip out of the office a few times a day. I don't even consider it a problem - I rather enjoy the "ahhhhh" experience of a really good dump)

Anyway, TMI aside, why am I not out enjoying the fireworks? I certainly could be - it looks like the nearest one is but a block away - but it seems more appropriate to watch from my window. For some reason, Victoria Day has always been a holiday for other people. Other people go to cottages and drink beer, other people have barbeques with all their friends, other people go to fireworks or set off fireworks. My whole life I've been on the sidelines of this holiday. For the first half of my life I always had to go to bed before the fireworks even started, then came many years of not being allowed to go to the fireworks without my parents, and now that I can do whatever I want it didn't occur to me to engage in celebratory activities until I saw this plethora of fireworks outside my window.

I wonder where everyone else is right now...

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